In turn, nurse practitioner insurance jobs can be a pretty gratifying career for an NP. Insurance companies can save millions of dollars in unnecessary healthcare costs by hiring NPs to ensure that unnecessary tests, procedures, and surgeries are screened prior to authorization. Insurance companies employ nurse practitioners to assist in keeping health costs down for both the patient and the insurers. RECOMMENDED ONLINE NURSE PRACTITIONER PROGRAMS Why Do Insurance Companies Need Nurse Practitioners? Nurse practitioner jobs with insurance companies are a win-win combination.

Hopefully, you gain a better understanding of some new NP roles and perhaps find one that will captivate your interest for your next career move! If you are considering making the switch to a new career and are curious about this line of work, you may ask what are the best nurse practitioner insurance jobs? Read on for some personal insights about my experience working in case management and utilization review along with the 10 best nurse practitioner jobs with insurance companies in 2023. More recently, the role of an insurance company NP has expanded beyond traditional roles. Insurance companies have utilized nurse practitioners for case management for many years to help save costs and ensure quality care for their clients. FIND NP PROGRAMS 10 Best Nurse Practitioner Jobs With Insurance Companies – 2023 Written By: Donna Reese MSN, RN, CSN