Use any Dash Weapon to get close to the target before firing for better accuracy.Aim for the head to maximize Efficiency per shot.It has both Input and Output Delay, meaning that it gives delay to some weapons that are associated with Three Category Spam like the Thunderer and the Reflector, while also receiving a delay if those weapons were shot, then quickly switched to this weapon.

It is generally a one shot to the head and a 2 shot to the body. When reloading, the player takes out the light yellow clip from the bottom and replaces it with another one. Moreover, this weapon possesses an 8x zoom optic sight that allows it to fight better in a long-range. This beam can also disable the shot opponent's ability to jump for a few seconds thanks to. This weapon fires a visible ivory-colored laser beam with instant bullet travel time that will pass through every object, given that it has the attribute. It features a grey and yellow scope mounted on top and a long silver barrel with a yellow muzzle. On the bottom of the weapon, it has an exposed yellow energy crystal that acts as the ammunition source for the weapon. It has a silver/yellow stock, a grey pistol grip, a yellow trigger, and a silver/yellow body. It takes the appearance of a long-fantasy themed sniper rifle.

If it is a crystal, it would be unknown because crystals can't usually be squished flexibly. It uses a crystal/metal for ammo that it squishes while you use it if it is a metal, it could be real gold. It has good damage, a slow fire rate, average-low capacity, and decent mobility. It is a silver encrusted sniper that shoots an ivory-colored laser beam.